How to Use Bancor?
What is Bancor?
Bancor is an on-chain liquidity protocol that enables automated, decentralized exchange on the Ethereum and EOS blockchains.
How to swap in Bancor?
1. Connect Bancor to your Huobi wallet. Enter ‘Swap’, select a coin to swap to and from, enter a proper amount. Below you will see estimated sum you will get and price impact. Tap ‘Continue’.
2. Check the details and confirm you are not a US citizen. Tap ‘Confirm’. Confirm the transaction in your wallet.
How to provide liquidity in Bancor?
1. Enter Pool and tap ‘Join a pool’.
2. Select a pool to add liquidity to, choose the token to provide and enter desired amount. Check details and click ‘Supply’. Confirm transaction in your wallet.
*Please pay attention that every financialn operation and decision has a potential investment risk, when making an investment think carefully, do not take any impulsive decision.